CFP Verge Issue 8.2 Visualizing Asias: Interventions in Asian and Asian Diasporic Art (Due: May 1, 2021)
Call for papers for Verge: Global Asias 8.2 – a special issue on “Visualizing Asias: Interventions in Asian and Asian Diasporic Art,” co-edited by Laura Kina (DePaul University) and Chang Tan (Penn State).
Visual Asian American Art Museum
May 7, 2019, 11:15-12:30 DePaul University Richardson Library, 207 “Under the Hood” with Alexandra Chang and Laura Kina Developing Cross-Institutional Digital Humanities Projects: The Virtual Asian American Museum. StudioCHI will host Laura Kina of DePaul and Alexandra Chang of NYU for a talk about The Virtual Asian American Art Museum. This one of kind digital…
Visible at the Gene Siskel Center
Laura Kina’s art is part of “VISIBLE” March 28-June 9, 2019, curated by YoungSun Choi at the Gene Siskel Film Center for the Foundation for Asian American Independent Media (FAAIM) in conjunction with the 24th annual Asian American Showcase.