Exhibition review – Diasporic Distillations: “We Are Here Because You Were There” at A2AC Explores Works by Asian American/Asian Artists
A2Pulp.org Exhibition review by Marley Boon – “Diasporic Distillations: ‘We Are Here Because You Were There’ at A2AC Explores Works by Asian American/Asian Artists’ curated by Chien-An Yuan.
“We Are Here Because You Were There” a2AC gallery Exhibition curated by Chien Yuan at the Ann Arbor Art center
WE ARE HERE BECAUSE YOU WERE THERE Curated by Chien-An Yuan September 8-October 22, 2023 at the A2AC Gallery Six Asian American artists narrate their process for reclaiming or interpreting their lived histories within a post-colonial framework. Ann Arbor Art Center 117 W. L:iverty St. Ann Arbor, MI Opening Reception: Friday, September 8, 6pm Featuring…
Laura Kina on Rediscovering Family “Ghost Stories” Through Art
Published on August 4, 2023, by the newly launched Japanese Canadian Arts and Activism Project, this interview with Laura Kina was conducted by Shō Tanaka on July 25th, 2018. ““Can I think beyond my body? Can I feel beyond my city? Can I see beyond islands? Can I dream beyond nation states? And still be…
Exhibition Catalog “Over the Rainbow, One More Time”
Now available – exhibition catalog for Laura Kina’s solo show “Over the Rainbow, One More Time” at the Riverside Arts Center Freeark Gallery March 26-May 6, 2023 curated by director Joanne Aono. Thank you to Young Sun Choi for photographing the work and RAC board member Dan Streeting for designing the catalog. 32 pages, full…
Solo show “Over the Rainbow, One More Time”
The Riverside Arts Center is pleased to present Over the Rainbow, One More Time, a solo exhibition of paintings and mixed media art by Laura Kina in our Freeark Gallery, curated by Gallery Director, Joanne Aono.
Word of Mouth: Asian American Artists Sharing Recipes
The Virtual Asian American Art Museum launches “Word of Mouth: Asian American Artists Sharing Recipes” curated and illustrated by Laura Kina and Jave Yoshimoto. This online exhibition/cookbook began during the Spring 2020 COVID-19 lockdown and in response to the increased attention to anti-Asian violence.