Daniel Caruth, “’Word of Mouth’ explores connections, cultures, through recipes, illustrations” KUAF Ozarks at Large, Feb 18, 2025. https://www.kuaf.com/show/ozarks-at-large/2025-02-18/word-of-mouth-explores-connections-cultures-through-recipes-illustrations

Rachel Wojnicki, “Faculty Member Recognized for Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion,” DePaul University, Newsline, December 4, 2023. https://resources.depaul.edu/newsline/sections/campus-and-community/Pages/kina-deiawards-2023.aspx?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsline+Weekly%2c+Dec.+4%2c+2023

Mrittika Ghosh, “Tracing Imperial Threads: Shelly Jyoti, Indigo, and Collectivity,” Sixty Inches From Center, November 20, 2023. https://sixtyinchesfromcenter.org/tracing-imperial-threads-shelly-jyoti-indigo-and-collectivity/

Marley Boone, “Diasporic Distillations: ‘We Are Here Because You Were There’ at A2AC Explores Works by Asian American / Asian Artists,” Visual Art Interview, A2 Pulp.org, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 6, 2023. https://pulp.aadl.org/node/623021

“Feeling Blue: Mingei Awarded $200K Grant for Upcoming ‘Blue Gold’ Exhibition,” May 11, 2023, Times of San Diego. https://timesofsandiego.com/arts/2023/05/11/feeling-blue-mingei-awarded-200k-grant-for-upcoming-blue-gold-exhibition/

Neha Kirpal, “Darker shades of indigo,” Deccan Herald, New Delhi, India, September 2, 2023, Art & Pursuits, 16. https://www.deccanherald.com/features/art-and-culture/darker-shades-of-indigo-2669226

“Shelly Jyoti Unveils ‘Indigo: The Blue Gold’ Exhibition at South Asia Institute, Chicago” News 18, New Delhi, India, August 5, 2023. https://www.news18.com/lifestyle/shelly-jyoti-unveils-indigo-the-blue-gold-exhibition-at-south-asia-institute-chicago-8506093.html

“Shelly Jyoti Unveils Her New Project on ‘Indigo’,” The Daily Guardian, July 31, 2023, New Delhi, Arts. & Culture, 13. https://thedailyguardian.com/shelly-jyoti-unveils-her-new-project-on-indigo/

Ryan Buyco, “Finding New Routes”: Visualizing an Oceanic Okinawa in Laura Kina’s Holding On (2019), Verge: Studies in Global Asias. Vol. 9, (Spring 2023): 189–214. DOI: 10.1353/vrg.2023.0008

Travis Seifman, “Exhibition review: Portraits of Ryukyu,” Critical Asian Studies, 54:4, 574-593, DOI. 10.1080/14672715.2022.2128844

Amy Sadao and Susette Min, “The Critics Page: Abolition of a Category,The Brooklyn Rail, July/Aug, 2022: 40–53.

“Laura Kina: A Life In Between” November 16, 2022

Part of the Elizabeth Allen Visiting Scholars in Art History Lecture Series at the Northern Illinois University School of Art and Design. Laura Kina shares reflections on her interdisciplinary practice as an artist/scholar/teacher and her evolving intersectional identities as a queer mixed-race Uchianchu American breast cancer survivor. This event was organized by Professor Helen Nagata.

Laura Kina, “Tracing Uchinanchu Roots,” Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum, Naha, Okinawa, Japan, October 30, 2022
Lecturer: Laura Kina (DePaul University)
Commentator: Ikue Kina (Ryukyu University)
Moderator & Translator: Yasuko Takezawa (Kyoto University)
Hosted by ZINBUNKEN ACADEMY (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University) in cooperation with University of Ryukyus, Department of Global and Regional Studies

Part of the lecture (Kina’s paintings) appeared in the evening news, “Catch,” of the Ryukyu Asahi Broadcasting on Nov. 3rd, 2022. Click here to watch the news (start at 2:52).

Laura Kina “Interdependent: Strategies of Friendship and Care in Asian American Art,” University of Kansas, April 14, 2022

Marisa Crawford, “Revisiting the Question “What is Feminist Art?Hyperallergic, October 15, 2020.

Mira Shimabukuro, “Okinawan Princess reclaims the power of a forbidden cultural practice in Okinawan culture,” International Examiner, February 18, 2020.

ハワイ・福島 新たな回路を生み出す写真家・岩根愛のまなざし, Bijutsu Techo, December 2019: 80.

Nathan Diller, “PHOTOS: This Exhibition Revisits Feminist Art From the 1970s.” Washingtonian, Nov 22, 2019.

The Visualist Chicago, “Top V. Weekend Picks (10/17–10/23).” Bad At Sports, Oct 17, 2019.

Alan Chong Lau, “October 16, 2019–Arts Etc.,” International Examiner, October 16, 2019.

Kazuyuki Ito, “Okinawa’s Tattoo Hajichi ‘Women’s Pride,” Asahi.com, September 10, 2019.

Jodie Chiemi Ching, “Book Review: ‘Okinawan Princess’,” Hawaii Herald, July 24, 2019.

Chong-Suk Han,”Queering Contemporary Asian American Art: A long overdue intervention,” International Examiner, March 11, 2019.

Kristin Claes Mathews, “Michiko Itatani’s cosmic paintings focus of online exhibition,” DePaul NewslineJanuary 16, 2019.

Kristin Claes Mathews, “Larua Kina Curates Exhibition of Michiko Itatani’s Cosmic Paintings,” DePaul Newsline, Vol.52 No.16, January 10, 2019.

Wesley Ueunten, “Unpacking Okinawa’s complexities,” Nichi Bei, January 1, 2019.

Megumi Kitahara, “Art Activism and I,” AICA Japan Newsletter, no.19, November 9, 2018.

Jennifer Patiño Cervantes, “The Virtual Asian American Art Museum: A Conversation with Laura Kina,” sixtyinchesfromcenter.org, Oct 2, 2018.

Christopher Patterson, “Laura Kina and Jan Christian Bernabe, Eds. Queering Contemporary Asian American Art,” newbooksnetwork.com, August 8, 2018.

Featured artist “Laura Kina: Okinawan Princess: Da Legend of Hajichi Tattoos,” Riksha.com, V2.3, Spring 2018.

Emily Waltington, “Review: Queering Contemporary Asian American Art.” Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture. 3 (1): 124–126.

Queering Contemporary Asian American Art” Laura Kina and Jan Christian Bernabe interview with Asia Pacific Forum for WBAI 99.5 in NYC. Oct 9, 2017.

Terence Trouillot, “How the New Queer Asian American Criticism Is Shifting the Way We See Art,” Art Net News, June 24, 2017.

Q&A with ‘Queering Contemporary Asian American Art’ editors Laura Kina and Jan Christian Bernabe,” University of Washington Press Blog, May 5, 2017.

Ryan Masaaki Yokota, “Facing Forward: Mixed-Race Japanese Americans in Chicago,” Discover Nikkei (and Nikkei Chicago), February 9, 2017.

#024 Laura Kina (Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference),” 100% Mixed Show, January 26, 2017.

Sadao Tome, “デ・ポール大学教授ローラ・喜納のプロファイル,” Ruykyu Shimpo, April 18, 2016.

Sheldon Ito “‘Pidgin’Language Tells a Unique Immigrant Story” and “Generations of Immigrant Portraits,Yes! Magazine, Commentary, April 5, 2016.

Guadalupe Pinedo, “‘Transnational Lives in Motion’ Exhibit Visits CPP,” The Poly Post, March 8, 2016.

‘Transnational Lives in Motion’ at Cal Poly Pomona” and “Artist Laura Kina to Speak at OAA,” The Rafu Shimpo, February 24, 2016.

Laura Kina and Viet Le: Transnational Lives in Motion,” Visual Art Source, February 2016.

Laura Kina, “From Okinawa to Hawaii and Back Again: A Painter Follows the Currents of Her Family History, What it Means to Be an American – a project of the Smithsonian and Zocalo Public Square, August 31, 2015.

Dan Johnson, “Museum Exhibits are Ready to Close, the Nokia Theatre Is Ready to Laugh, and Downtown Brings in Da Funk,” Los Angles Downtown News, Arts & Entertainment, August 31, 2015.

Alexis Miyake, “The Secret History of Hajichi,” First & Central: The JANM Blog, August 27, 2015.

Okinawa Day at JANM,” Rafu Shimpo, July 21, 2015, Life and Arts p. 1 and 4.

Heidi Kulicke, “A Double Shot In Little Tokyo: Stories of War and Island Heritage Are Highlighted in a Pair of JANM Exhibits,” Downtown News, July 20, 2015, p. 14.

Darryl Mori, “Q&A with Sugar/Islands Artist Laura Kina,” Discover Nikkei, July 16, 2015. Reprinted in Rafu Shimpo July 22, 2015 p. 3.

Michelle Mills, “New Japanese American National Museum shows traverse Japanese-American journey to truth,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune, July 8, 2015.
Reprinted on July 10, 2015 in:
Los Angeles Daily News
Long Beach Press-Telegram
Torrance Daily Breeze
Pasadena Star-News
Whittier Daily News
San Gabriel Valley Tribune
San Bernardino Sun
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Redlands Daily Facts

Two New Exhibitions to Open at JANM,” Rafu Shimpo, July 9, 2015.

Darryl Mori, “Making Art That Matters: Sugar/Islands and Stories of Hawai’i’s History,” Discover Nikkei, July 7, 2015.

Allyson Nakamoto, “New Exhibition Touches on Okinawan History,” First & Central: The JANM Blog, June 30, 2015.

Jonathan Goodman, “Laura Kina Blue Hawaii,” The Brooklyn Rail, April 2, 2015.

Eva Cohen and Mail Huynh, “Laura Kina” interview in the inaugural edition of Fused Society, April, 2015, p. 23-25.

Eric Domingo, “Asian-American assimilation in ‘Fresh off the Boat’,” The DePaulia student newspaper, March 1, 2015.

Summer Dawn Hortillosa, “Women artists explore specters of the past at NJCU,” The Jersey Journal, February 27, 2015. [earlier vs. posted Feb 13, 2015 “Women artists explore cultural histories of Hawaii, Black Women at NJCU“]

Crystal Davis, “Blue Hawai’i,” The Gothic Times: The Official Student Newspaper of New Jersey City University, February 24, 2015, Art and Entertainment.

Brother Mark Elder, “Kina and Critic,” Buffalo Bro 1/2 Hour Show, Radio DePaul, February 22, 2015.

Laura Kina, “Devon Avenue Sample: Quilting the Urban Diaspora,” New City, February 5, 2015.

Rachel Ishikawa, “Laura Kina, Artist Interview,” Center For Art + Thought, July 9, 2014.

MRN Admin, “Interview with upcoming Culture Fest Performer Laura Kina,” Multiracial Network, March 7, 2014.

Susette Min, “War Baby/Love Child: Mixed Race Asian American Art Book Review,”Amerasia Journal, Volume 40, Number 1, 2014, p. 107.

Marci Rae McDade, “In Search of Textile Arts at College Art Association,” Surface Design Association, 2014.

Ryan Wong, “Mixing Racial Messages,” Hyperallergic, October 30, 2013.

Jen Graves, “Your Defensiveness Is Our Command: Talking About Racism in Seattle,” The Stranger, October 1, 2013.

Jessica Davis, “Behind the Curtain: Race is common theme in local exhibits,” City Living Seattle, September 26, 2013.

Grace Hwang Lynch, “War Baby/Love Child: Mixed Race Asian American Art,” Mixed Nation, September 20, 2013.

Minh Nguyen, “Mixed Race is Not Less, But More Race: ‘War Baby/Love Child’s’ Exhibit Offers an Enriched Perspective on Mixed-Race Asian Americans,” International Examiner, September 4, 2013.

Robert Ayers, “Art at Wing Luke Museum explores mixed-race heritage,” Seattle Times, August 19, 2013.

Paulina Phelps, “War Baby/Love Child: Q&A with Curator Laura Kina,”The Seattle Globalist, August 8, 2013.

Laura Kina on War Baby/Love Child~Capturing the Artistry of Mixed Identity,” Mixed Race Radio (podcast) with Tiffany Rae Reid, August 7, 2013.

J.R. Wendland, “Review of War Baby/Love Child: Mixed Race Asian American Art,” Choice Reviews Online, August 2013.

LeiLani Nishime, “Is George Zimmerman white, Latino, or mixed race? Depends on who you ask,” The Seattle Globalist, August 1, 2013.

Deborah Kalb, “Q&A with artist and author Laura Kina,” Deborahkalbbooks (blog), July 11, 2013

Jenny Lee, “Naked Bodies, Bodies of History,” Hyphen Magazine, June 27, 2013

Katie Maish, “War Baby/Love Child: An Interview with Richard Lou,” Visual Memphis, June 12, 2013

Jason Foumberg and Elly Fishman, “The Top 21 Exhibits at Chicago’s Museums This June,” Chicago Magazine, June 10, 2013.

Akko Kakazu, “The Exhibit of  ‘Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month’–Ms. Kina’s Painting Being Featured in a Banner,” Okinawa Times, June 7, 2013, Okinawa overseas interest section, page 19.

Shawn Wong, “What Does Shawn Wong Suggest Reading This Summer?” The International Examiner, June 5, 2013.

Mixed Race Asian American Art and Identity” panel discussion with Laura Kina, Camilla Fojas, Chris Naka, and Debra Yepa-Pappan at DePaul University Art Museum, May 29, 2013.

“Laura Kina radio interview with Ruth Farefax Fraisier,”  F.A.A.C.T program, CRIS Radio, The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, May 28, 2013.

Exhibition Tour ‘War Baby/Love Child’,” Cable channel CAN TV21  (or CAN TV19) in Chicago, May 26, 27, 28, and June 3, 2013.

Chelsea Hawkins, “May Issue: First Asian American Exhibit Debuts at the Smithsonian,” KoreAm: The Korean American Experience, May 17, 2013.

DePaul University Office of Public Relations and Communication, “DePaul Art Minute – War Baby/Love Child exhibition,” May 16, 2013.

Brian Babylon and Molly Adams interview with Mequitta Ahuja and Laura Kina,”Local Artists Collaborate on Asian Heritage Exhibits at DePaul,” Vocalo radio (90.7FM) MorningAMp, May 16, 2013.

Danielle Palmer-Friedman, “‘Under My Skin,’ the Wing Luke,” The Daily, May 12, 2013.

Jason Foumberg and Elly Fishman, “Chicago Museums Have 23 Great Exhibits You Can Visit in May,” May 10, 2013.

Lori Waxman, “‘War Baby’ is something to see, if you can let go,” Chicago Tribune, May 8, 2013.

From the Civil War to Civil Rights: The Many Ways Asian Americans Have Shaped the Country,” Smithsonian.com, May 3, 2013.

Michael Weinstein, RECOMMENDED “Review: War Baby/LoveChild:DePaulArtMuseum,” Newcity Art, April 30, 2013.

Renoir Gaither, “War Baby Love Child – Mixed Race American Art,” MXDWELL, April 25, 2013.

Maggie Dziubek, “War Baby/Love Child comes to DPAM.” The DePaulia, April 28, 2013.

Monica Whitepigeon, “War Baby/Love Child” Debra Yepa-Pappan’s Art Part of Exhibition Opening in Chicago, Native News Network, April 25, 2013.

Zhiyu Wang, “Artists explore the image of mixed race Asian-Americans in DePaul exhibit,” Medill Reports Chicago (Northwestern University), April 18, 2013.

“Northeastern Illinois University Celebrates Asian-American Heritage” News India Times, April 15, 2013.; “Northeastern Illinois University Celeberates Asian American Heritage with Awards,” Asian Media USA, April 17, 2013.

Brett Russel Coleman, “Talkin’ Race with Laura and Wei Ming,” The Magic Mulatto (blog), March 26, 2013.

Edward Y. Sumoto, 今晩のミックスルーツラジオはローラ・キナさんのインタビュー!ぜひお聞きください。Mixed Roots Radio (Japan) (radio show), February 23, 2013. (http://www.tcc117.org/fmyy/index.php?e=1798).

Katie Waddell. “Review: Shelly Jyoti and Laura Kina/Chicago Cultural Center.Newcity Art, February 22, 2013.

“Nature’s Gallery: Shelly Jyoti and Laura Kina.” Turkey Red Journal Volume 18 Issue 1 (Spring 2013).

Coverage of “Indigo: Shelly Jyoti and Laura Kina” at the Chicago Cultural Center on “Community Roundup,” TV Asia (cable TV show), February 9, 2013.

沖縄の女性」歴史描く(“Okinawa no josei” rekishi egaku-kenkei beikokujin gaka Kina san) “Telling the history of Okinawa women-Ms. Kina, an Okinawan American artist/painter.” Okinawan Times, December 18, 2012.

沖縄系ハワイ移民4世:沖縄への思い語る(Okinawakei Hawai imin yonsei: Okinawa eno omoi kataru) “A yonsei Okinawan-Hawaiian immigrant tells her thoughts about Okinawa.” QAB TV, December 4, 2012, Naha, Okinawa, Japan. Featuring an interview with Laura Kina and her father, George Kina.

Kareem Nittle, Nadra.“Covering Multiracial America Requires Historical Perspective.Maynard Media Center on Structural Inequity. November 14, 2012.

Trice, Dawn Turner.“An evolving awareness of a mixed-race world. The Chicago Tribune. Monday, 9, October 2012: Section 1, p. 7.

“CARE Package c/o Philadelphia, PA” Talkadelphia, 22, October 2012.  Episode 69.

Bordeweker, Sandhya. Blue Dyed Girls. ART India. Vol. XVII, Issue 1, Quarter 1, 2012: 105.

Masuda, Akiko. “Welcome to a World of Unseen Spirits and An Obake Halloween” The Paradise Post. 2, October, 2011: 2.

Yah, Andrew. “Laura Kina, visual artist and scholar of Asian-American and Mixed-Race StudiesAPA Compass. KBOO Community Radio Portland 90.7 FM. 2, September, 2011.

Batet, Janet. “Redescubriendo la ruta del indigo.” El Nuevo Herald 22, May 2011.

Turner, Elisa. “Critics Choice Elisa Turner’s Picks for May 2011.” ArtCircuits.com May 2011.

City-Based artist’s exhibition to open in Florida nowThe Times of India 7, May, 2011.

“Get set for obake spooky tales in Wailea, Honokaa Friday, Saturday evenings Sixth annual event stars pidgin ghost stories by two pros” Hawaii Tribune Herald: Features. 24, October, 2010.

Kakazu, Akiko. “Portrait of Immigrant Brides: Okinawan Kina-san’s Oil Painting Exhibition” Okinawa Times. 6, September, 2010. Download the English translation.

Rodriguez, Camelia. “Laura Kina: Sugar” Audrey: The Asian American Women’s Lifestyle Magazine. Vol. 8. No. 3. Fall 2010: 15

Sugar” ZEEK: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture. 1, Sept. 2010.

Chattopadhyay, Sohini. “Azure Allure.Open Magazine. 1, January, 2010: 56-57

Yee, Michelle. “Moving Materials: Reclaiming Histories of Migration.” ArtEtc. Magazine. Special Issue on Migration. Vol. 1 No. 3. 2010.

“Historic Moments.” New Woman, Mumbai, February, 2010. 29.

New art Exhibit to hit CSUF.Daily Titan: Beyond the Press Cal State Fullerton, 24, January, 2010

Gupta, Gargi. “A Common Thread.Business Standard. 16, January, 2010: Weekend Edition V.

Doshi, Riddhi. “A Creative Struggle.DNA After Hrs, Mumbai. 13, January 2010.

HT Café. 13 January, 2010. 23.

Divya Bhaskar. 11 January, 2010. 2 Goel, Poonam.

Indigo Blues.Deccan Herald. 7 January, 2010: Mixed Media 4

“Indigo Smorgasbord.” The Pioneer 29, December 2009. Viva City: 14.

“Artistic Twosome.” The Asian Age. 29, December, 2009. The Age Delhi: 34.

All India Radio. 27, December, 2009.

“Artyfacts.” India Today. 28, December 2009: Home/Events 68.

Many colours of art.Business Standard. 26 December 26, 2009: Weekend 5.

“Indigo.” The Times of India. 25 December, 2009: What’s Hot 28.

“Installed.” Mid-day. 23, December, 2009: 21.

Kalra, Vandana. “Blue Print. Indian Express. 22, December 2009: 6.

“Indigo.” The Economic Times. 20, December 2009: 2.

Indian Contemporary Art Blog Posting, December 21, 2009.

Indian Art News Blog Posting December 20, 2009.

“Indigo.” Financial Express. 20, December 2009: Multimedia 8.

“Beyond Blue Jeans.” Hindustan Times. Dec. 18, 2009: Fashion and Beauty.

“Redefine.” Mail Today – News for the New Indian. 18 December, 2009: 28.

City Guide Delhi recommendation “Art, Drama, Entertainment and More.”
Good Housekeeping.
December 2009: 166.

“Colonial Hues.” Design Today. December 2009: 85.

“Indigo: New works by Shelly Jyoti and Laura Kina.” First City, Delhi’s City Magazine. December 2009: 228-229.

Sims, Jocelyn. “Q&A with Laura Kina.” DePaul University Newsline Online. October 5, 2009.

Kina, Laura. Interview with Kristine Ostil on “Featured Spotlight.”
The Slant
KBC-TV Ch. 41. (Episode 8), 9 April, 2009
Go to the 5 minute marker to start the interview.

Vider, Stephen. “Cultural Evolution: What exactly is “post-Jewish” art?Nextbook.org. 2 July, 2008: Art.

Elkjer, April. “Hapa Visual Artist Explores Culture and Identity.” The Nichi Bei Times. 19 June, 2008: Arts & Entertainment.

Chang, Alexandra. “Painting Paradise: Artist Laura Kina’s Aloha Dreams.Asiance Magazine. August 2007: Lifestyle: Culture.

Herrara T., Adriana. “Los paraisos hibrido de Laura Kina.” El Nuevo Herald29 July, 2007: Artes & Letras front page 1D.

Mixed Chicks, A show about being racially and culturally mixed.
Episode 15 – Laura Kina – Hapa, Artist, Mixed Chick
Time: 8/29/07 05:00 PM EDT
Talkcast ID: 34257
Visit www.talkshoe.com and enter keywords “Mixed Chicks.”

Biscayne Times. June 2007 Vol. 5, Issue 4 p. 39.

Clarke, Marissa D. “The Neighbors Ticket: A Few Things To do This Week.” Miami Herald. 7 June, 2007.

De Jesus, Carlos Suarez. “Sizzling Summer Art.” Miami New Times. 9 June, 2007 p. 34.

The Miami Sun Post.  7 June, 2007 p. 34.

“Run Wild, Die Young, Stay Pretty.” Where Magazine. Miami. June, 2007 p. 36.

Tschida, Anne. “RADAR Weekend.” Category305: Miami At Full Force. 8 June, 2007.

Kobasa, Stephen V. “Grand Things in a Small Space.” The New Haven Advocate. 9 November, 2006: 35.

Reyes, Jonald, dir. That Asian Thing. 2006.

Martell, Marisol. “Chicago Contemporary & Classic.Art Nexus. No. 57 Volume 3 Year 2005: 118-119.

Rosof, Libby. “Soapy Bubbles.” TheArtblog.org. 1 June, 2005.

Brett, Max. “Painting By Color.” The Chicago Reporter. April 2005 edition. “New Voices” section.

Van Kerckhove, Carmen. “Hapa Soap Opera puts hapas in the spotlight.” Mixed Media Watch.com (now Racialicious.com). 7 March, 2005.

Yang, Sena. “The Multiracial Muse: Four Artists’ Exploration of the Mixed Race Experience.”
Mavin magazine.
Issue #7, p. 64-65.

Bellavance, Leslie. “Post-Hero” Men & Boys. Milwaukee: Walker’s Point Center for the Arts, 2004.

Leung, Laura Kateri. “Mythical Nation.” Art Asia Pacific. Issue 38, Fall 2003: 22.

Genocchio, Bejamin. “The Asia Within Us: Bicultural eyes and What They See.” The New York Times (Connecticut version). 27 July 2003:8.

Birke, Judy. “Mythical Nation, Where Cultures Overlap.” The New Haven Register. 13 July, 2003: E1+.

Rodriguz, Juan Carlos. Hip-Hapa.Miami New Times. 5 June, 2003.

Austin, Tom. “Art Basel Miami Beach; South Beach: the Art World’s New Epicenter.”Ocean Drive. Vol. 10/No. 11, December 2002.

“Art & Antiques: Discover Miami’s Exciting Art Scene.” Where Miami. December 2002.

Kina, Laura. Interview with Ben Hollis on “Popular Critic.” Ben Around Town. WYCC Channel 20 Chicago, 18 October 2002.

Picard, Charmaine. “Art Chicago 2002.Art Nexus. No. 45/Vol. 3/2002.

Brunetti, John. “Welcome to My Dollhouse.” New Art Examiner. Vol. 29/No.2, 2002.