Portraits of Ryukyu; Turnover from the models to artists at Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum
Seven works in the museum’s permanent collection from Laura Kina’s Sugar and Uchinanchu series are on display in “Portraits of Ryukyku: Turnover From Models to Artists” at the Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum in Naha, Okinawa, Japan.
Laura Kina and Shelly Jyoti’s new collaborative work and individual works from their joint “Indigo” show (2009-2013) are in “Reimagining the Global Village,” an exhibition curated by MIAD alum Nirmal Raja ‘08 (Painting) and generously sponsored by Fiserv, featuring transnational art collaborations by nearly 30 artists and collectives in 18 countries that not only celebrate…
2020 Penn State Summer Institute | Remaking Worlds: The Geographical Imagination of Global Asias Through Art & Visual Culture
Co-directed by Laura Kina (DePaul) and Chang Tan (Penn State), the theme for 2020 Penn State Summer Institute is “Remaking Worlds: The Geographical Imagination of Global Asias Through Art and Visual Culture.” The submission deadline is March 6, 2020.
The Feminist Art Project CAA 2020 Symposium
Feb 15, 2020 4:00-5:30 pm Hilton Chicago, Continental Ballroom C Laura Kina will present “Decolonizing Memory: Drawing Indigenous Okinawan Hajichi Tattoos” as part of the College Art Association Transnational Feminisms TFAP@CAA 2020 Day of Panels. This full-day symposium explores women’s art practice around the world from a decolonial perspective, rejecting the notions of both “woman”…
Reaching for the Horizon – Antenna, New Orleans
Laura Kina’s artwork is featured in “Reaching For The Horizon” at Antenna in New Orleans Jan 11, 2020 – Feb 2, 2020. Curated by Jan Christian Bernabe, Chief Creative & Operations Director/ Founder of FLXST Contemporary in Chicago, “Reaching for the Horizon” takes as its point of departure the precarity of the present day and…
What Is Feminist Art? Archives of American Art Nov 26, 2019-Nov 29, 2020
The Archives of American Art is pleased to present What is Feminist Art? on view November 26, 2019, through November 29, 2020. Organized by Curator of Manuscripts Mary Savig, the exhibition revisits a 1977 exhibition at Los Angeles’ Woman’s Building, a feminist art school, gallery, and community space founded by Judy Chicago, Sheila Levrant de…