College Art Association Feb 13, 11 am-12:30 pm EST
New York Hilton Midtown 3rd Floor Grand Ballroom West
10 Years of ADVA Journal: Hindsights, Insights, Futures Thinking
Alice M. Jim Concordia University
Alexandra ChangRutgers University Newark State University of New Jersey
Marissa Largo York University
“In Relation to Asian American”
Tom Wolf, Bard College
“Okinawan Diaspora Indigenous Solidarities and the Shimanchu Hajichi Tattoo Revival”
Prof. Laura L. Kina, MFA, DePaul University
In Relation to Ocean Worlds
Thomas Looser, New York University
Social movement periodicals provide important intellectual platforms to articulate a political position and participate in the larger history of print culture of dissent. Founded in 2015, Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas (ADVA) was and remains the first scholarly journal dedicated to multidisciplinary scholarship at the intersections of visual culture studies and the study of Asian diasporas across the Americas including the Pacific Islands and the Caribbean. Fostering a hemispheric transnational study of multiple Americas with diverse Indigenous and diasporic populations, it approaches Asian diaspora as an analytical tool and enables the critical examination of the historically under-represented intersections between and within, Asian Canadian Studies, Asian American Studies, Asian Latin American Studies, Asian Caribbean Studies, and Pacific Island Studies.
This roundtable seeks to showcase scholarship by past and current editors on ADVA as a movement journal, and their insights on ways in which the field of Asian diasporic visual culture has evolved and grown substantially in the Americas over the first decade of the journal’s existence. What continue to be challenges and issues in ADVA’s second decade?